Sunday, January 7, 2018

Today‘s blizzard had me feeling sad thinking about the many cats that are without shelter. When your passion in life is Animal Rescue and the resources aren’t there and you aren’t in top shape to do the “Hands-On Work in the Field” a day like today can be depressing. This is the kind of day that finds you worrying about the cats that are getting zero help in close to zero weather.  I received an email from another woman going through the same concerns and offering to help so it's a small comfort to know I'm not the only one who wants to help them.

So, I was sitting around feeling a little down and listening to an audio book by Jack Canfield. He asked the question: “If you had 3 wishes what would they be?” Easy: 
  1. Unlimited funds so that I could begin creating Sanctuaries and Shelters. I have a Project Plan ready to go! A building for Recovery and Holding Space; a Van for transport to Adoption Events and Excellent Drivers to get them there and back. 
  2. Dedicated workers who can work as a Team in the Shelter; Recovery Space; Holding Space; Adoption Events; Sanctuaries and In-the-Field.
  3. Consciousness so that I can always follow my Higher Self with Clarity and Focus. 
As I thought about how I would proceed with this venture I got a call from Bruce.  Bruce is the kind of guy I wish I could sponsor: He’s a dedicated Model Rescuer and his eye is on the Cat; the Cat and no one but the Cat!  That’s why when Bruce called my mood went up right away. Bruce is a die-hard rescuer and he still makes miracles with very little on hand. Today, he sent me a picture of last night’s rescue. This is what Bruce calls a "Lifer" and what this means is that he doesn't expect to find a home for him but he's not leaving him outside. 

This cat is not exotic; not a kitten and not the best bet for adoption. This is a cat who was once someone’s housecat. Yet, Bruce couldn’t leave him out in the desolate area where he was surviving while this blizzard was pending in just a few hours.   I think Bruce recognizes the incredible Energy that is this cat!  The personality that says Survivor and Companion; those qualities that make for a great Friend. 

Bruce is part of my Tribe and so are most of my FaceBook Friends and they too have these qualities along with Like Mindedness.   I always learn lessons from them and the lessons aren’t always about trapping and rescue.  But let me not digress: Getting back to Sad Sack:  The sound of the can opener is this cat’s absolute Best Friend. He comes right out for a meal when he hears this sound.  In this picture, his personality comes right through: He eyed the water bowl; saw the dogs around it; decided they weren’t a threat and decided to go right for the water – he would take the chance. This cat just wants food and a nice home. He is not neutered (yet) and he already tested negative for Leukemia and Aids. 

Bruce has another Lifer named Clueless. He had leg issues that mandated his immediate rescue and is ridiculously sweet. Clueless and Sad Sack have already decided they will be friends.  The names are stories in themselves:  Clueless was the kind of trapping that only required picking him up and putting him in a carrier and as Bruce puts it "Sad Sack always looks at you as if you’re the IRS with a Summons for him.”

I also got another bit of good news today, the kind that makes me feel Grateful: A colony that Bruce and I TNR’d has been living in the woman’s garage. Another rescuer posted "Shelters for Free"  for any cats in need (we need more networking and teamwork like this.)   When I told her about the offer this woman advised me that she was grateful for the offer but she had already bought 2 heated shelters and was expecting a third today. The good news just keeps rolling in!